Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE)
The Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE), a product and service of the Center for Community College Student Engagement, provides information about effective... -
2014 Ka Huaka‘i, Native Hawaiian Educational Assessment, Kamehameha Schools
This 2014 version of the Native Hawaiian Education Assessment contextualizes recent research and data using the “pua” model as a framework to examine Native Hawaiian strengths... -
Baccalaureate and Beyond (B&B)
The Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B) follows bachelor's degree recipients over the course of 10 years, collecting data on workforce participation, income... -
Hawaii Census Data Center (HCDC)
The HCDC is an officially designated source of Census Bureau data for the State of Hawaii under a joint federal-state agreement with the U.S. Census Bureau relating to the... -
Head Start Impact Study (HSIS)
In the 1998 reauthorization of Head Start, Congress mandated that the DHHS determine, on a national level, the impact of Head Start on the children it serves. This legislative... -
Hawaii Community College Office of Institutional Research (HAWCC-OIR)
The IRO supports the College’s mission and institutional learning outcomes by providing the information needed to support institutional planning and data driven decision making.... -
Native Hawaiian Data Book, Office of Hawaiian Affairs
Recent demographic data on Native Hawaiians including their physical, sociological, psychological, and economic needs. -
Early Head Start Family and Child Experiences Study (Baby FACES), 2007-2023
The Baby FACES continues a series of ongoing descriptive studies aimed at maintaining an up-to-date, extensive knowledge base to support Early Head Start policies and programs.... -
2015 Queens Health Systems Native Hawaiian Health Program Report
This report describes the efforts and initiatives of the Native Hawaiian Health Program of the Queen's Health System to further its goals in: Clinical Outcomes, Access and... -
2015 Native Hawaiian Health Fact Sheet, Volume 3: Social Determinants of Heal...
This report focuses on Native Hawaiian health and highlights six key social determinants of health: 1) Moʻomeheu-Culture, 2) ʻĀina-Land and Water, 3) Ea-Governance, 4)... -
2015 Native Hawaiian Health Fact Sheet, Volume 2: Family Lifestyle Choices, OHA
This report focuses on Native Hawaiian health and includes two key areas: 1) Maternal and Child Health Status, and 2) Substance Abuse Status. -
2015 Native Hawaiian Health Fact Sheet, Volume 1: Chronic Diseases, OHA
This report focuses on Native Hawaiian health and the status of five Chronic Diseases. -
2008 APIAHF: Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander Health Disparities
This report provides health statistics on Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander within the United States and is drawn from three primary sources: the National Health Interview... -
Annual Survey of Jails (ASJ)
The ASJ provides an annual source of data on local jails and jail inmates. Data on the size of the jail population and selected inmate characteristics are obtained every five to... -
Aging Integrated Database (AGID)
The AGing Integrated Database (AGID) is an on-line query system based on ACL-related data files and surveys, and includes population characteristics from the Census Bureau for... -
Native Hawaiians Study Commission: Report on Culture, Needs and Concerns of ...
Commissioned by the United States Congress, this 1983 report highlights findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the culture, needs, and concerns of Native Hawaiians in... -
National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS)
The NCANDS is a federally sponsored national data collection effort created for the purpose of tracking the volume and nature of child maltreatment reporting each year within... -
Hawaii State Vital Statistics Database (HI-VSD)
Hawaii State Vital Statistics database consists of data extracted from birth certificates, death certificates, fetal death reports, and Intentional Termination of Pregnancy... -
Hawaii Health Survey (HHS)
The HHS, implemented by the Office of Health Status Monitoring (OHSM), is an annual survey (started in 1968 and a telephone survey since 1996) modeled after the National Health... -
2013 Native Hawaiian Data Book, Office of Hawaiian Affairs
This biennial report provides an update to basic demographic data on Native Hawaiians presented in a format based on OHA’s six strategic priorities: Kahua Waiwai or Economic...